Updates on John Chase from April, 2004 |
Posted Sunday, August 29, 2004 at 4:45 pm |
The weeks seem to tick by quickly, here we are time for another chemotherapy session. I'll plug John
into an IV tonight and he'll check into the hospital tomorrow morning. He will be in the hospital until
Thursday or Friday depending on when the drug levels drop to a safe level (pray for a Thursday
discharge). He has been bouncing back from this chemo drug (methotrexate) quickly and life has
been pretty normal otherwise. John's heel sore is completely healed and with exercise his foot is
getting stronger. Swimming has been a great was for him to blow off teenage steam. Keep praying that
the paralyzed nerve on the top of his foot would be restored. Many comment on John's upbeat
attitude..that's God in him.
Posted Sunday, August 22, 2004 at 9:10 pm |
John did well with chemotherapy this week... no vomiting, plugging through school, pretty cheerful except that he had to stay until Friday because his drug levels didn't fall as fast as last time. There was some question about a medication error. Six months ago my head would feel like exploding if that happened but this time..."whatever Lord, you take care of it." I guess that is what surrender is all about. John's heel sore has healed and he enjoyed the luxury of swimming in the pond again. It didn't matter that the water was cold and the air temperature 60 degrees. He came out of the water with blue lips, shivering, and happy. A week off of chemo now. Pray for no mouth sores, DEATH TO CANCER, enjoying each day, and intimacy with Christ.
Posted Sunday, August 15, 2004 at 5:06 pm |
John has been doing great. He quickly bounced back from the last chemo. Thankfully he didn't get any mouth sores, vomitted very little, and really feels good physically. He is caught up with his school work (which we started up last week), reads Star Wars novels, and is plugging away at strengthening his foot for his prothesis. He says that he is actually looking foward to being able to do chores again. His positive attitude is a daily testimony to God's love and grace being poured out on him, the same grace available to anyone who realizes their need. Tomorrow starts up his next round of chemo...we're hoping it will go as smoothly as the last.
Posted Saturday, August 7, 2004 at 9:30 pm |
This new chemo drug I'm getting isn't as bad as the other stuff. I get the drug on Monday and have to stay in the hospital until it all washes out. The doctors said my kidneys are working great so I got out a day earlier that expected because they got rid of the drug so fast. Getting out of Chemo early was awesome, well, at least until Mom said I had to make up 2 days of school on Friday. I am feeling ok, this chemo was not as bad but Mom still gave me atavan (it helps my nausea but it makes me forget everything). Mom commented today about how when this all started she would cry when I would hurl, but now she can eat a sandwich and carry on a conversation during my retching. Dad took me to see a prosthetist and he showed me what my leg will look like. It was cool. He also said that I would be able to water ski with it as long as I hosed it down afterward. Thank you all for still praying and sending cards, it is touching how everyone still remembers me through this long trial, I guess I didn't expect to still receive cards 7 months into this. Please pray I don't get any mouth sores with this new drug. God is good! |
Posted Sunday, August 1, 2004 at 7:06 pm |
John has finished his three courses of Ifosfamide and now starts a new drug (for him) on
Monday. The routine is the same - four or five days in the hospital, but his white counts
won't drop as much, he shouldn't be as nauseous, and the treatments can be given closer
together. He continues to work his foot for strength and flexibility. The pressure sore is
healing slowly but surely. He went to a promise-keeper event this weekend with some friends
and came back with a big smile. He keeps facing the right direction (toward Jesus) and this
keeps his attitude good and his faith strong.
Posted Saturday, July 24, 2004 at 10:02 pm |
John had a good week. No signs of mouth sores or infections. His white count should be coming up by Monday. He got a blood transfusion Friday...its weird that this stuff is so routine now. We met with the guy who will be making John's leg when he is ready. It is hard to find someone with experience doing the kind of prosthesis that John needs. Eric is local, has done four previously, and is enthusiastic about taking John's case. His heel is healing slowly but surely. He remains cheerful (for a teenager) and daily displays God's grace. Thank you God!
Posted Sunday, July 18, 2004 at 11:06 pm |
John was released from the hospital Thursday and we all breath a sigh of relief...one more down...nine to go. Now we hold on while his counts drop and pray for protection from infection and mouth sores. His attitude is generally good which makes the whole process much easier on all of us. We continue to look to God for his grace in all this and He is right here...what a great spiritual experience. We really can trust God.
Posted Monday, July 12, 2004 at 11:06 pm |
John had a appointment with his surgeon Thursday and got his cast off. He has a pressure sore wound on his heel that looks good but is not yet healed... meaning no swimming yet. He also has a nerve that isn't working yet so keep praying. The bones have healed together and he is starting a home exercise and stretching program to start preparing for his new prosthesis (maybe later this year). It has been a nice break from chemotherapy these last few weeks but tomorrow its back to buisness at Lutheran hospital. John continues to lean on Jesus.
Posted Monday, July 5, 2004 at 4:22 pm |
Here's a question: What seems to drag on and on and on? Answer: CHEMOTHERAPY! You know I do not know how those kids with leukemia survive three years of chemo. Well I guess God just gives them the grace to get through it. I met some really neat kids at cancer camp but I also saw what cancer does to kids without God. Some kids get mad at God for cancer but because they reject the only source of grace and joy all they get is their own depression and self pity. We had a short vacation at Michindoh (family camp) last weekend, which was fun. Next year I will get to swim, waterslide and run. I have another week off from chemo and am feeling good. Thank you all for praying and thank you for your continued support.
Posted Monday, June 28, 2004 at 10:35 pm |
John was released from the hospital Friday so he could attend his
grandparents 50th wedding anniversary. We gave him IV antibiotics
all weekend and now that his white blood cell count is up we can stop
them. He's feeling good and we have a two week break until his next
course of chemotherapy so he can go to the last Bible quiz
invitational of this season without a chemo hangover. It's nice to
look foward to a little lull in the flurry of medical activity. The
Lord showers us daily with his comfort and grace as we run to him for
Posted Thursday, June 24, 2004 at 10:25 pm |
We didn't hear from John this week while he was at camp until this
morning when the oncology
nurse called and reported that he had a fever, chills and no white
blood cells. They transported
him to the hospital and started IV antibiotics right away. Then we
received John's report that
camp was a blast. He was surprised how many of the teens were bitter
about their
cancers...imagine that. All he was missing by having to leave early
was a dance tonight...he
wasn't too upset about that. Pray for a quick recovery of his white
blood cells and resolution of
this infection. The Lord is good!
Posted Sunday, June 20, 2004 at 9:11 pm |
John vomited on and off through the weekend including this morning but then was ready to go
to church and off to cancer kids' camp this afternoon. He had been unsure about going this past
week because of bad camp experiences he has had in the past, chemo side effects, and
because of his present physical limitations. As we talked about it I mentioned that it might be a
great oportunity to encourage some other kids in the Lord. He replied, "I know dad! That is the
main reason I want to go." Pray for that soldier. His immunity will bottom out this week, he will
be at risk of infections and mouth sores. (and pray for his parents during this separation)
Posted Thursday, June 17, 2004 at 10:11 pm |
John got home from the hospital this evening...tired out, on the edge of vomitting, but happy to
be home. We are hopeful he can bounce back as quickly as his last round of chemo so he can
attend some of "cancer camp" next week. It is a special summer camp for kids with cancer to
get together and have some fun. Thanks for also praying that he won't get mouth sores ,
infections, and that his healthy tissues would be protected while the cancer gets destroyed.
Posted Sunday, June 13, 2004 at 9:48 pm |
John saw the surgeon Thursday and his wounds are healing very well. One nerve is damaged but he thinks it will heal in time (and prayer). John is as active as you can be with one a half legs. He is still in a cast because it fells better immobilized for now. He and his sisters had quiz meet this weekend...they won second and will go to a national competition next month. He remains cheerful and goes with the treatment "flow". Tomorrow starts another round of chemotherapy. |
Posted Wednesday, June 9, 2004 at 11:00 pm |
Quizzing finals is this weekend; I hope I have studied enough. I am still working on getting
confortable at night, please pray that I will sleep better. As for my attitude I am still in high
spirits due to all the support I am getting from all of you and to God's grace. As summer starts I
can watch my siblings swim and ride bikes and it is kinda discouraging but I have decided that
next year I will be the ultimate party animal on one and a half legs. When mom comes in from
weeding usually she says, "John, I can't wait until next year when you can help me." I think she
has a next-year list for me to do, so I may also end up being the ultimate pack horse. |
Posted Saturday, June 5, 2004 at 10:34 pm |
John's feeling good even though his white count and hemoglobin are low. All that means is that he needs to limit contact with others to prevent infections...he has no mouth sores. He also may need a transfusion before his next chemotherapy. God has blessed him with a wonderful attitude which makes life easier for all of us. He's working hard on finishing up school (two weeks to go) and Bible quizzing (he has a tournament next weekend). A day doesn't go by without an encouragement card arriving in the mail. We receive daily reminders that many are lifting us up in prayer...humbling...speechless.
Posted Wednesday, June 2, 2004 at 9:11 pm |
John is recovering quickly from this round of chemo. His energy is back, he's plugging away at school and Bible quizzing, he's cheerful,...life is good. His white blood count is down so we are praying that he won't get infected, won't get any mouth sores, and his counts will recover quickly. Daily we rest in God's peace and run to Him when it isn't here.
Posted Saturday, May 29, 2004 at 8:33 pm |
John got out of the hospital Friday. He only vomited twice and was awake and interacting with the world about half the time. This new medication seems less hard on him but he feels pretty washed out right now at home...Please pray for a quick return of his energy, freedom from mouth sores, no infections, and a continued focus on Jesus as the source of his joy and peace. God is so faithful to give us peace as long as we look to him for it.
Posted Wednesday, May 26, 2004 at 10:08 pm |
John is about half way through this week of chemotherapy. We
have changed drugs now and have decided to go with the
original treatment plan rather than the other more aggressive
(dangerous) proposals. He's still getting some high dose
poisons. You can pray in particular for protection for his
bladder, brain, and bone marrow, that he won't get mouth sores
or infections, and that any remaining cancer would respond to
treatment. John is cheerful, tired, and resting in God's
overflowing grace. |
Posted Sunday, May 23, 2004 at 10:38 pm |
John's staples came out Thursday...he's glad he doesn't have
to go through that again...it hurt. His wounds are healing
well and he is in a cast to help protect his leg and keep his
foot pointed (ballerina position) in preparation for fitting
his prosthesis after chemotherapy is done. His spirits are
good. Chemotherapy is set to start again Tuesday. The
decision has been made about what medications to use next. It
has been an interesting, make that agonizing, process. There
are as many opinions as people we talk to. The bottom line is
that no one knows the right thing to do. There are extreemely
aggressive aproaches that run the risk of putting John on the
heart transplant list because of drug toxicities but hold the
promise (unproven) of better cure rates. There are less
aggressive aproaches that make you wonder if two years later
you won't look back and wish you had done more. There is the
possibility that John is already cured or the possibility that
nothing will cure him. It's all quite maddening. Then
there's the alternative medicine options. We have asked God
to help us know what to do and he has answered with a peace
about the decision. |
Posted Wednesday, May 19, 2004 at 9:06 pm |
John should get his staples out Thursday...he isn't looking
foward to it. Someone suggested he interview the staple
removal technician and check her references to make sure she
is gentle and experienced. We're going to put some numbing
cream on the wound, give him some pain medicine, and pray...so
it shouldn't be too bad. Chemo is schedualed to start Monday
but the jury is still out about what drugs to use. John has
some pressure sores that need healing...one on his heel. He
plugs away at school, more motivated than ever since his
brothers and sisters are done for the year. His attitude is
great. God showers him with grace for each day. When we get
up-tight we are reminded of the simple little lessons...don't
worry about tomorrow...trust in the Lord with all your heart.
Posted Sunday, May 16, 2004 at 4:33 pm |
Last week and the week coming seem like a cease-fire in the
war. John gets out daily for about a quarter mile hike (with
his crutches) and goes up and down the stairs in our house
three at a time. Someone lent us a wheelchair which he hasn't
used yet. God's grace to John and our family touches us daily.
When John saw his surgeon last week he was pleased with John's
progress but some of his wound isn't healed yet so no staples
out until later this week which delayed chemotherapy a week.
The pathology result of the tumor in his leg showed 98% cell
death of the tumor cells ( 95% or better is considered a
favorable response to chemotherapy). This great result has
caused some controversy about the next steps with John's
treatment. Please pray for the doctors making those
decisions. Also pray that John's wounds heal well and that a
nerve in his foot that isn't working would wake up. |
Posted Thursday, May 13, 2004 at 9:04 pm |
Mom drove me down to Indianapolis this morning (long drive),
we arrived almost 45 minutes early (that has got to be a Chase
record). We sat down in the waiting room and I opened up my
Quizzing book. Our visit with Dr. Rougraff was short but very
positive. The first thing we found out was that he is going to
wait another week before taking out the staples (thank God
because it looks like it is going to be painful). The second
(and best) thing he told us is that the analysis of the
removed tumor showed up as 98% DEAD. The cancer cells that
were not dead looked so sickly that Dr. Rougraff said that
they would have probably died within a week. We sadly still
have to do 12 more chemos but at least we now know that those
evil tumor cells are being slaughtered and all this vomitting
isn't for nothing. Mom and I left the building with big smiles
on our faces and our hearts were praising God for such good
news. Thank you all for your prayers and supporting letters.
If anyone has a good idea for painless staple removal please
let me know. A blow to the head for unconciousness has already
been recommended (by Dad). |
Posted Tuesday, May 11, 2004 at 9:48 pm |
I am now two weeks out from surgery. I am doing ok but now and
then I get a jolt of pain in my leg, please pray that it goes
away. I only get to see my leg when dad changes the dressing,
it looks pretty weird. Jesus has been so good to me through
this, when I start looking ahead at 12 more chemos I could
just cry, but when I feel that way I close my eyes and pray to
my savior that he would take my worries and he does. I have
spent a couple of hours re-reading some of your letters; I
have burst into tears from your support. As I sit here typing
this I can't help but feel blessed. God has blessed me so much
by giving me so many supporters. I needed your support and you
gave it to me. Thank you all for your prayers. |
Posted Thursday, May 6, 2004 at 9:53 pm |
John is having minimal pain now and off all pain meds except
Tylenol and Aleve. He's busy plugging away at school work and
does laps around the house to get back in shape. The vomiting
is gone and he's obediently eating for his mother. God has
blessed him with a desire to see the big picture of life
instead of focusing on his personal losses. We talk a lot at
home...this is new to all of us and we want to be teachable
students. No chemo for 10 more days and John sees the surgeon
in a week. Each day...every breath...what a gift from God.
Posted Tuesday, May 4, 2004 at 10:23 pm |
I started John on IV fluids tonight. So far he has been able
to keep his pain meds down and has been practically painfree
but he has kept little food or liquids down otherwise. This
afternoon he's not even kept fluids down so the IV will help
keep him from dehydrating and I can give some IV meds for
nausea. So far so good. Over the next few days we will be
able to taper off some of the pain meds and hopefully his gut
will settle. His attitude is good for the most part and he is
adjusting to his new anatomical layout well. He can pretty
much go where ever he wants. |
Posted Sunday, May 2, 2004 at 20:26 pm |
John got home today. His pain is well controlled but he
occasionally vomits his medicine up making it tricky to give
him his medicine and keep it down. Pray that the vomiting
would stop and for continued good healing and pain control.
So nice to be together as a family again. Much to be thankful
for... |
Posted Saturday, May 1, 2004 at 11:59 pm |
Very tough day today. John is either sleeping from the
narcotics or in some level of pain from moderate to severe.
Unfortunately he can't sleep all the time because he must get
out of bed and walk periodically and eat for strength and
healing. Its my job to make sure he does these...so I'm not
the most popular guy in the room much of the time. The
doctors are working to adjust his oral pain meds so he can go
home tomorrow. Please pray for good relief of his pain and
the ability to deal well with the pain when he has it. The
rehab road often isn't easy so he's going to need a good dose
of grace as he continues this journey. We're so glad God
doesn't waste pain...we're confident he has a purpose for all
of this, though it's hard to see sometimes from this vantage
point. |